Healing Touch Training
The main content of Healing Touch (HT) is spread over five workshops that guide the student from beginning to more advanced techniques. The structured curriculum covers your energy system, all techniques, the format of Healing Touch treatment sessions, ethics and code of conduct, and scope of practice.
During every workshop, HT students and practitioners have opportunities to practice and to receive HT techniques and treatment sessions.
After completing the five levels of training, HT students and practitioners may choose to certify and to pursue more advanced training.
For upcoming Healing Touch workshops, click on the links above for information about each organization's training and workshop dates.
Or check out our Events Page for upcoming courses HTAC has been informed of. Please contact the Instructor directly for full details on the course.
Attention Healing Touch Instructors!
Let us help you get the word out about your upcoming Healing Touch course! Email us with details of your course and we'll happily post the information on our website and Facebook page.
HTP and HBB classes are welcome!
Please provide us with the following:
Please email all information to: secretary@healingtouchassociation.ca
We look forward to helping Healing Touch Instructors connect with more students!
***You must be a member of HTAC for your course to be posted. Only Healing Touch courses will be posted. Thank you***
Healing Touch awareness across Canada The Healing Touch Association of Canada contributes to the well-being of all communities in Canada and around the world by: